I just uploaded nefelibata 0.3[archived] to the Python package index.
Nefelibata[archived] is a blogging engine that I've been working on since 2013. It's main features are:
- Posts are written using the Markdown markup syntax.
- It follows the POSSE[archived] principle: Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, being able to syndicate posts to Mastodon[archived], Twitter[archived], Medium[archived], WT.Social[archived] and more.
- It supports Webmention[archived], integrating with other IndieWeb[archived] websites.
- Since it focus on data ownership and persistence, all images are automatically mirrored locally, all external links are automatically saved in the Wayback Machine, and comments/replies from syndicated posts on Twitter/Medium/etc. are aggregated and stored locally.
- You can automatically publish the weblog to Neocities[archived] (remember Geocities?), AWS S3[archived], or even the InterPlanetary FileSystem[archived]!
- It has a plugin architecture[archived] that makes it easy to support new features.