Home » Hypersaline estuary

Beto Dealmeida's avatar

Hypersaline estuary

A song made using a single synthesizer

Current weather: 7°C (Sunny)

Liner Notes

I wrote this song for the "One synth challenge" (https://fawm.org/forums/topic/11109/), using the Moog Mother 32 playing a simple sequence. I'm also using the Empress ZOIA for a delay line with decaying feedback, and some reverb.

You can watch a video of the performance here: https://youtu.be/pegtLatlN6M

The title was inspired by @apertome's "Partially stratified estuary" (https://fawm.org/songs/114768/). In the video you can see the Estero Americano estuary in the background, which is an estuary that is often hypersaline.




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gardeningangel1's avatar

Just listened to @apertome 's Partially Stratified Estuary so I had to proceed down the estuary rabbit hole. Those soft mellow Moog tones are so pleasant, calming. Feels like I'm floating slowly through the brackish water on a warm, quiet day. Great photo of the synth in its natural habitat.

nahlej381's avatar
nahlej381 replied on FAWM on 2021-02-07:

Jealous I want a moog mother...and a theramin Cool track!

eargoggle's avatar
eargoggle replied on FAWM on 2021-02-08:

I love it, you're taking me right to Bodega with this one, these synth sounds are so warm and round, very cool.

apertome's avatar
apertome replied on FAWM on 2021-02-08:

Your video is blowing my mind, with the estuary in the background! wow!

apertome's avatar
apertome replied on FAWM on 2021-02-08:

Hey, this is beautiful! you did this quite quickly after I posted mine ... I'm impressed! And I'm glad to have sparked some estuary thoughts. I'm not an oceanographer or anything like that but thought my track felt watery, so it worked. Also could an interesting metaphor for a lot of things. I had a Mother32 for a while! It's a great synth but ended up trading it for some other gear. I miss it sometimes -- you make great use of it here! Also, congrats on passing 14 tracks already!

candle's avatar
candle replied on FAWM on 2021-02-08:

I second @nahlej381. Between you & @looprication, you've really pushed my desire for some Moog synth goodness. This is a lovely, mellow, watery soundscape. I feel like if I close my eyes, I'm floating down the estuary on my way to better places (certainly warmer ones! We hit -48°C this morning with the windchill!). See You In The Shadows…

tesla3090's avatar
tesla3090 replied on FAWM on 2021-02-09:

This is gorgeously minimal and contemplative. I really think the simplicity lends it something you wouldn't get with a more full production. Also, that view though...

kissinginpublic's avatar

I love the sound of Moogs and the sounds coming out of yours are wonderful! Nice minimalist piece.

jessespillane's avatar
jessespillane replied on FAWM on 2021-02-10:

This is beautiful. There are cool dynamics to it.

spirulence's avatar
spirulence replied on FAWM on 2021-02-13:

That's the most Zen Moog I've heard in quite some time. A pleasant break from the "make it louder" society we live in.

berni1954's avatar
berni1954 replied on FAWM on 2021-02-24:

That opening is an echo of "Jesu's Blood Never Failed Me Yet" - a modern "classical" masterpiece. Do you know it? This track shares the same repetitive nature with little changes that keep the mind from wandering. As an ex-choirboy, I feel there is something almost "church like" in the atmosphere you have created with this. 👌