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Beto Dealmeida's avatar


A song built from a single random sample

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The Fishermen & the Priestess…- Freedive -(FAWM 2021)

Liner Notes

This is my contribution to the One Sample Challenge, where you have to build a song using a SINGLE SAMPLE. The sample chosen at random is a fake water droplet

You can hear the sample at the beginning of my song, it's the first thing that plays.

To build the different instruments I used a few techniques:

For the bass, I used EQ to boost the almost nonexistent low end. There was so little low end that I had to put two EQs in series. I also used a transient shaper to increase the attack on the envelope, and then added some saturation.

They keys were easier, since the sample has a distinct pitch. I just had to use some light EQ. For the pads I did something similar, but I increased the attack to make the notes slowly sweep in.

For the guitar I used a similar approach to the bass, but then I added a lot of compression and sustain (to stretch the note out), followed by distortion, EQ and some delay.

The shaker was built by getting the tail of the sample (after the drop) and boosting the gain up a lot until I had white noise. I manually adjusted the amplitude envelope to make it sound like a shaker.

Finally, there's also some background noise that I created using a sample stretcher, just for ambience.




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twyllodrus's avatar
twyllodrus replied on FAWM on 2021-02-06:

this sounds soothing and at the same time ecclesiastical. Something you would listen to with a glass of wine.

larryw's avatar
larryw replied on FAWM on 2021-02-06:

Love this, and the description of how you created it. The guitar certainly contradicts the lovely keys (in a good way)

rockstarsmd's avatar
rockstarsmd replied on FAWM on 2021-02-07:

This is amazing. So many water droplets! My ears are soaking wet!

kendrakinsey's avatar
kendrakinsey replied on FAWM on 2021-02-07:

It’s very relaxing like a rainy day, mellow and maybe bittersweet

siebass's avatar
siebass replied on FAWM on 2021-02-08:

Nice touch using the original droplet throughout as well. Man, I'm amazed at how many different sounds you got, those keys/bell is really nice. This is very dark, and damp, and foreboding; really nice groove to it too. I hope you had fun with the challenge! It's incredible what people come up with.

zecoop's avatar
zecoop replied on FAWM on 2021-02-24:

Wow, I loved all the science behind how you shaped all the sounds. I never ever would have guessed this was made from one sample. Incredible. And the sounds and song are absolutely beautiful. Really lovely and relaxing. Loved this!

helenseviltwin's avatar
helenseviltwin replied on FAWM on 2021-03-03:

Really lovely sounds you have here. I'm impressed with the range of different voices you made with the sample. Well done!