Home » Easier shed than done

Beto Dealmeida's avatar

Easier shed than done

A serious song about love, with a terrible pun about sheds.

00:00 00:00
Easier shed than done The Fishermen & the Priestess

Photo by Alexander Shustov on Unsplash

During FAWM, someone created a spam account for a website selling sheds. Everyone started making collaborations with the spam account, creating shed-inspired songs.

This is mine.

Liner Notes

Had to participate. Will try to record this later.


Love your neighbor
Love your friend
Love your enemies
Til the end

Love that person
You don't like
Love the guy
Who stole your bike

Love unconditionally
Even if they're not your friend
Love everyone
‘Cause God will sort them in the end

Love has no boundaries
Love is for everyone
Love til you love cause love
Is easier shed than done

Love your neighbor
Love your friend
Love your enemies
Til the end

Love, love, love
Love until you bleed
Cause after all my friend
Love is all we need

Love your neighbor
Love your friend
Love your enemies
Til the end

Love that person
You don't like
Love the guy
Who stole your bike

Love unconditionally
Even if they're not your friend
Love everyone
‘Cause God will sort them in the end

Love has no boundaries
Love is for everyone
Love til you love cause love
Is easier shed than done


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hummingbear's avatar
hummingbear replied on FAWM on 2019-02-28:

There's a slick little pun tucked in there. Another fine take on the shed.

rainchaser's avatar
rainchaser replied on FAWM on 2019-02-28:

Nicely done, and it definitely relates to a situation I had at work. A very important message!

tiller2's avatar
tiller2 replied on FAWM on 2019-02-28:

Another good entry into the illustrious shed thread of songs. Glad you joined the fun!

fearlessflight2014's avatar

Ah yes sneaky shed reference. Looking forward to hearing the musical version.

mikeb's avatar
mikeb replied on FAWM on 2019-02-28:

A nice message, I kept wondering when the shed was going to peek in, had to wait until the final line - nice suspenseful touch! Remember not to covet thy neighbor's shed!

darcistrutt's avatar
darcistrutt replied on FAWM on 2019-03-29:

Darker side of why love is tough. Easier shed...Nice play on the words.

billysea's avatar
billysea replied on FAWM on 2019-03-29:

Easier shed than done is a great pun nicely wrapped into a tale about the golden rule. God will sort them in the end is a great line.

ampersandman's avatar
ampersandman replied on FAWM on 2019-03-29:

Ha, I had the idea for that title this morning, but now I find that pun's already taken. Well, okay, I think @easyshed won't shed a tear if there's one collab less.

ustaknow's avatar
ustaknow replied on FAWM on 2019-12-27:

I like the percussive slap mid-way. The chorus is a hook modulation like a song I can't think of the name of at the moment -- and fits very well there. Very well done.