Every now and then I like publishing my most visited sites, by autocompleting each letter of the alphabet in my browser. Here's the 2020 edition:
- amazon.com[archived]: I canceled Prime last year and changed my behavior to buy locally, but this year I bought a few things from Amazon.
- blog.taoetc.org[archived]: this blog.
- craigslist.org[archived]: from trying to buy local used things, reducing consumerism.
- drive.google.com[archived]: I use Google Docs a lot to write lyrics and material for my D&D campaigns.
- ebay.com[archived]: another attempt to buy used things in order to promote reusability.
- facebook.com[archived]: the Facebook website used to be my main way of keeping in touch with my family. I have been using it less and less, but I still use Facebook Portal to keep in touch.
- google.com[archived]: sometimes I wonder how the world would be without a good search engine.
- homebrewery.naturalcrit.com[archived]: a nice website to create D&D material using Markdown, and having it rendered similar to D&D books.
- instagram.com[archived]: I use this mostly to check my own posts.
- jsfiddle.net[archived]: I've been using this more lately, testing ideas for my blog.
- kobold.club[archived]: an encounter builder for D&D.
- localhost:8000: how I test my blog before publishing new posts.
- maps.google.com[archived]: maps.
- news.ycombinator.com[archived]: I check this daily for tech news, but the users are a mixed bag. Some very angry people there.
- overtonedsp.co.uk[archived]: makers of fine audio plugins. Really, if you produce music you should check them out.
- play.google.com[archived]: I use Google Play for streaming music, since it comes free with YouTube Premium.
- quora.com: I only visit Quora when I come from a Google search.
- reddit.com[archived]: I use this a lot for news, D&D material and music production.
- sfbay.craigslist.org[archived]: SF version of Craigslist.
- twitter.com[archived]: I started using Twitter recently. I hate it, which probably means I nede to better curate the people I follow.
- unsplash.com[archived]: an amazing website with public domain photos. I use it as album art for my songs.
- v.redd.it: an AWS S3 bucket for Redit images.
- www.facebook.com[archived]: Facebook again.
- xlr8r.com[archived]: a website dedicated to black house music.
- youtube.com[archived]: YouTube is really nice when you don't see ads. The recommended content is amazing. I like to watch videos of jams and tutorials on music production.
- zackreed.me[archived]: I have no idea what this is.
@dealmeida The more interesting list would come from the incognito tab 👀